Servicing FNQ

We perform surveys throughout Far North Queensland from Ingham to the Torres Strait to the Gulf including the Cairns Region, Atherton Tablelands & Mareeba Shire, Innisfail & Cassowary Coast, Mossman & Douglas Shire and Cooktown and Cape York.

Cairns Region

We provide surveying services throughout the Cairns Regional Area from Ellis Beach in the north to Miriwinni in the south and all localities in between. With Cairns being the main centre of Far North Queensland most of our work is in the Cairns Region. This includes the localities of Ellis Beach, Palm Cove, Clifton Beach, Kewarra Beach, Trinity Beach, Trinity Park, Holloways Beach, Machans Beach, Yorkeys Knob, Smithfield, Caravonica, Kamerunga, Aeroglen, Stratford, Freshwater, Redlynch, Kanimbla, Cairns North, Cairns City, Whitfield, Edge Hill, Manunda, Manoora, Mooroobool, Portsmith, Bungalow, Parramatta Park, Westcourt, Earlville, Bayview Heights, Woree, White Rock, Mount Sheridan, Bentley Park, Edmonton, Mount Peter, East Trinity, Glen Boughton, Gordonvale, Little Mulgrave, Goldsborough, Aloomba, Deeral, Babinda, Bramston Beach, Bartle Frere, Woopen Creek, Miriwinni. Cairns we have you covered! Having lived in Cairns for the past 15+ years there is not a suburb Eddy has not performed a survey in. TerraModus Surveying is based in Cairns and we can meet all your Cairns surveying services.

Atherton Tablelands and Mareeba Shire

We regularly perform surveys throughout the Tablelands including in and around main population centres of Mareeba and Atherton as well as the smaller towns and surrounding properties. We travel to all towns throughout the Tablelands including Malanda, Herberton, Kuranda, Ravenshoe, Millaa Millaa, Tolga, Walkamin, Chillagoe, Dimbulah, Mutchilba, Mt Garnet, Mt Molloy, Tinaroo and Yungaburra. We also provide surveying services to all the rural and remote properties surrounding these areas in the Tablelands and beyond. Having grown up on the Tablelands near Dimbulah and initially commencing work in Mareeba, Eddy knows the Tablelands very well!

 Innisfail and Cassowary Coast

We provide surveying services throughout the Cassowary Coast region and we travel as far south as the Hinchinbrook/Ingham areas. We regularly perform surveys in Innisfail, Tully, Cardwell and Mission Beach but we also service all of the small towns and localities including, but not limited to, Belvedere, Wangan, Mourilyan, Etty Bay, South Johnson, Silkwood, Kurrimine Beach, Bingil Bay and Euramo. Eddy has previously lived and worked in Tully so knows this area well. TerraModus Surveying are happy to travel to provide surveying services in Innisfail and the whole of the Cassowary Coast region.

Port Douglas and Douglas Shire

We provide surveying services throughout the Douglas Shire regularly performing surveys in the main centres of Mossman and Port Douglas as well as Craiglie, Shannonvale, Miallo, Daintree Village, Wangetti, Oak Beach, Cooya Beach, Newell Beach, Wonga Beach, Forest Creek, Cow Bay, Cape Tribulation and Bloomfield. It is not unusual to see us crossing on the Daintree ferry and heading up that way to perform surveys. Having spent childhood holidays in this shire Eddy knows it well. TerraModus Surveying also service surrounding shires of Cairns, Tablelands, Wujal Wujal and Cook.

 Cooktown, Cape York and the Torres Strait

We service all of Far North Queensland and we are happy to travel for the job. We provide surveying services throughout rural are regional areas of FNQ including Cape York and the Torres Strait. We perform surveys in Cooktown, Lakeland, Laura, Coen, Weipa, Bamaga, Seisia, Horn Island and Thursday Island as well as all the remote localities along the way and through the Cape. We have recently been working near Port Stewart on the east coast. We perform work in all the Indigenous Communities and have performed extensive works in Wujal Wujal, Hope Vale, Kowanyama, Mapoon and many islands in the Torres Strait. We understand the logistics of working in these rural and remote areas which at times may involve camping on site. We are fully equipped to be able to work remotely and are happy to travel to perform surveys whether they be small identification surveys or large conversion to freehold surveys.