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Boundary Identification

An identification survey is a type of cadastral (land boundary) survey that identifies where the property boundaries of a title are located. An identification survey re-marks property corners (as marks may have been destroyed over time) and verifies property boundaries in relation to any improvements to make sure they are not encroaching onto the neighbouring parcel of land or road. Your parcel of land is probably one of your biggest investments so it is recommended you know where your boundaries are and therefore what you own, what you use and what you are paying rates on and most importantly where you should be building.

Existing fences do not necessarily represent your boundaries! Fences may be a good indication of where a boundary may be but it is more common than not that fences have been built where people thought the boundary was and not where the boundary actually is. In rural areas most fences are working fences and not boundary fences.

Why would I need a boundary identification survey?

  • Purchasing a property (to know the extent of what you are buying and that no encroachments exist)

  • Building a fence (so you can build it along the boundary)

  • Building any structures on or near your property boundary (to ensure you build on your land)

  • To check for encroachments

As part of the boundary identification survey TerraModus Surveying will prepare an identification survey plan for you. This survey plan is a record of the survey performed and will show you the boundaries that have been re-marked as part of the survey. The plan will list the marks placed at the corner and reference existing fences or structures near the boundary. It is a legislative requirement for all Registered Cadastral Surveyors to prepare a survey plan as part of any survey that places marks at the boundary corners and deposit a copy with the government as a record of the survey. This plan provides you assurance that the survey has been correctly performed by a surveyor with the appropriate qualifications and insurances.