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Reconfiguration of a Lot

Reconfiguration of a Lot encompasses land subdivisions, boundary realignments to create the same number of lots and lot amalgamations . Reconfiguring a lot usually requires planning approval from the local council. We can also assist with your planning application to council by preparing the Proposal Plan.

Proposal Plan

A ‘Proposal Plan’ is a sketch plan to accompany the reconfiguration of a lot planning application to Council. At a minumum the plan shows the dimensions and areas for the proposed lots, any proposed road openings, proposed easements etc. To assist with the application to Council, a detail survey may be performed to locate features on the existing lot to assist Council with the assessment and demonstrate the viability of the development. A proposal plan is not a plan of subdivision and boundary corners are not marked. TerraModus Surveying regularly prepares proposal plans for private clients and town planners. A detailed proposal plan, prepared by a professional surveyor, greatly assists with getting Council approval.


A ‘subdivision’ is when a larger property is divided into a smaller number of lots. A subdivision may be small such as subdividing one lot into two lots, or large such as an entire housing estate of hundreds of lots. Each of the new lots are required to be surveyed and defined on a survey plan. TerraModus Surveying regularly performs small, medium and large subdivision surveys throughout Cairns and Far North Region. We can assist with all survey aspects of the Council approval including building envelope sketch plans and as-constructed drawings.


An ‘amalgamation’ is when two or more lots are merged into one lot. Unless you require the corners to be located and marked, an amalgamation survey can usually be done by an office compiled survey plan, as the boundaries have previously been surveyed.

Boundary Realignment

When two or more lot boundaries are realigned to create the same number of lots. There are many instances where people own two lots and they want to realign the boundaries to a different configuration to create two new lots. Boundary realignments are often performed to remedy encroachments. Each of the new lots are required to be surveyed and defined on a survey plan. Each of the existing lot owners must consent to the boundary alignment survey for the registration of the plan and the issuing of new titles.