State Land Dealings
There are many reasons why you may be utilising or purchasing some State (government owned) land including permanently closing road or for conversion to freehold.
Most state land is dealt with under the Land Act 1994, unlike Freehold land which is usually dealt with under the Land Title Act 1994. In most instances you will be dealing with the Queensland Government Department of Resources State Land section. As part of the assessment and approval (if granted) for the utilisation or purchase of state land there will be a list of conditions (similar to a development approval from a Council).
For some state land dealings, such as permits to occupy or temporary road closures, a survey is not required. However for dealings such as for a permanent road closure or conversion to freehold, the land must be in a fully surveyed state. Therefore you will need to engage a Registered Cadastral Surveyor to perform the survey and produce a survey plan (SP). The survey requirements will be stated in the offer you receive from the government. TerraModus Surveying will require a copy of the offer to ensure we meet all the survey requirements.
TerraModus Surveying have extensive experience in state land dealings and can assist you with the state land application process. We have performed large surveys for the conversion to freehold of term leases and we are happy to liaise with the government regarding the survey requirements for these surveys as they can be detailed and involve many actions.